E-Waste Security El Segundo Office

El Segundo, CA – Hard Drive Shredding Hard Disk Drive Destruction and IT Asset Disposition Firm E-Waste Security Opens New Office in El Segundo Expanding its services in Southern California, in October 2016, E-Waste Security of Irvine, Calif. opened new offices...

Hillary Clinton Campaign Shreds Server Hard Drives

Reports show that the Hillary Clinton campaign has made payments to a data destruction company for computer and server hard drive shredding services. Does destroying digital media, such as computer hard drives, in of itself indicate nefarious activity or a cover up?...

Employees And IT Recycling Pose A Threat To Data Security

Data Security: insiders and IT recycling pose a threat to corporate data Mention network security and the first thing that comes to mind is the image of international hackers stealing corporate data and customer information. But according to a recent survey of...

Data Erasure Not As Effective As Hard Drive Shredding

Are you relying upon data erasure or hard drive shredding for you e-security needs? An eye-opening new study was just released that may have you thinking twice about the effectiveness of hard drive erasing or wiping. The study, conducted by Kroll Ontrack and Blancco...