A Data Breach is inevitable – Costs Climb to $4 Million

The issue of data breaches continues to grow. Data breaches impact companies of all types and in every industry, posing threats that corporate executives and business owners are only now truly beginning to understand. A recent study provided a better sense of exactly...

Recycling Electronic Equipment

One of the most important and responsible actions you can take as a business owner is to make sure that your electronics are properly disposed of (and recycled): it not only is good for the environment, but also helps to protect the security of the information on your...

Wyndham Hotels: Information Security Is a Growing Risk

Failure to Provide Information Security Is a Growing Risk For Business Businesses large and small across the United States have been put on notice that they need to get their information security houses in order. The United States Court of Appeals for the Third...

California Data Breach Law – 2014

After a series of high-profile data breaches that compromised consumer information at a number of major corporations, including Target Corp., Home Depot Inc., and SuperValue Inc., California Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation that will require all companies that...

HIPAA: 45% Of Healthcare Companies Suffer 5+ Data Breaches

According to a recent study by the Ponemon Institute, 45 percent of healthcare organizations suffered more than five data breaches over the past two years, with about nine out of ten the victim of some kind of cyberattack, computer theft, employee mistake or some...